All the coins were made in pretty much the same way, for this sbs we`ll use the lovely Madamemonty.
step 2 of 17
Selected the green channel & made a copy
step 3 of 17
On a new layer filled with grey (or what ever color you`d like the coin)
step 4 of 17
Apply lighting effects, selecting the copied texture channel
step 5 of 17
Gives this result which you can alter contrast
step 6 of 17
If you remove the background first I found it leaves harsh edges so I made a new layer-filled with the same grey-added the same lighting effect but without the channel selected
step 7 of 17
when placed behind the embossed layer it allowed me to take a soft eraser to remove the background and give a much more subtle edge
step 8 of 17
I cut out the coin shape with the eliptical marquee tool
step 9 of 17
added dark grey stroke and beveled the stroke
step 10 of 17
for the coin edge I made a selection of the coin and on a new layer filled with this PS pattern
step 11 of 17
desaturated and rotated so the marks ran roughly horizontal
step 12 of 17
placed the layer behind the coin and nudged up and left to form the edge, I then added a slight soft stroke.
step 13 of 17
I then decided that Madame should be golden, chenged hue & saturation and added light burn.
step 14 of 17
all coins were made in almost the same way, added them to a background of half solid black (bottom) and half gradient (top)
step 15 of 17
copied each coin, flipped vertical, lowered opacity and removed with large soft eraser.
step 16 of 17
added text & frame
Note: text on coins had bevel applied and warp-arch where needed.