Cropped source photo, edited out chair she'd rested her arms on. Expanded frame of the shot to give more width.
step 2 of 4
Cropped cat's whiskers, duplicated them a few times, edited and flipped them. Positioned them on the woman's back with a 'hard light' fliter. Experimented in placement quite a bit, adding here, deleting there.
step 3 of 4
Continued tweaking with placement for the whiskers. Tweaked 'hue and saturation' on each layer to get a similar bluish tone throughout. Also, as I went along, added dark spots at the base of some of the whiskers to mimic the same sort of effect on the cat's face.
step 4 of 4
Lastly, added some of the wall behind the cat as a texture 'overlayed' on her back and arm, to add to the 'unearthly feel', for the final picture.