A Work in Progress: Swimming Amidst the Sea Fans

This guide was made for entry:
Swimming Amidst the Sea Fans
In Contest:

Original image

step 1 of 10

Turtle source 1

Creation of Swimming Amidst the Sea Fans: Step 1

step 2 of 10

2nd turtle source

Creation of Swimming Amidst the Sea Fans: Step 2

step 3 of 10

Underwater vortex photo used behind the background underwater scene

Creation of Swimming Amidst the Sea Fans: Step 3

step 4 of 10

Underwater source used for background vegitation

Creation of Swimming Amidst the Sea Fans: Step 4

step 5 of 10

Background is sprayed with airbrush in sea blue color, then background vegetation scene placed over it with opacity reduced about 25% to allow the blue to glow through it.

Creation of Swimming Amidst the Sea Fans: Step 5

step 6 of 10

Here is a closeup of the bracket fungus after being made into a sea fan using smudge, eraser, distort and scale tools. Liquify warp also was used to pull some edges to look like water current might be moving them. Color change is made using hue/saturation tool, and some are reduced in opacity .

Creation of Swimming Amidst the Sea Fans: Step 6

step 7 of 10

Varying colors of sea fans are placed against the background scene. To change the bottom of the background scene to more lavender colors, I duplicated the background, removed most of the top half with a soft eraser tool, then hue/saturation tool was used to change the bottom half colors.

Creation of Swimming Amidst the Sea Fans: Step 7

step 8 of 10

The first turtle is shopped and moved into place between layers of the fans.

Creation of Swimming Amidst the Sea Fans: Step 8

step 9 of 10

The 2nd turtle is chopped and fit in between layers near bottom of scene. Turtles will now be given more of a green/blue hue using hue/sat tool. Then they get a slight gaussian blur as they are moving.

Creation of Swimming Amidst the Sea Fans: Step 9

step 10 of 10

Finally, 10 % filters each of yellow, blue and green are added. A very light spray of pale blue is airbrushed over plants at back of scene to help give more dimension.

Creation of Swimming Amidst the Sea Fans: Step 10

Final result

Creation of Swimming Amidst the Sea Fans: Final Result

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