use chamferbox and add this cover material on it with help of material editor
step 4 of 13
use uvw mapping to adjust texture
step 5 of 13
use box as side of book and material.
step 6 of 13
go shapes>splines> line then draw a shape like picture then bevel (level 1:- height : 40 ) then take a box at center of it boolean it then take cylinder make copies of it (vertical and horizontal )adjust them according picture.
step 7 of 13
then make line and bevel it
step 8 of 13
make mirror of it then 2 copies after that adjust 3 cylinder at middle like image
step 9 of 13
adjust side part then stand look like this n add material on it.
shapes > splines>line draw a line then lathe it by modifier to give agarbatti stand shape ,for make hole in it use cylinder after that make copies of it, then boolen each with stand.
step 11 of 13
for stick use cylinder and then convert it poly then adjust vertexes according image.
step 12 of 13
then make copies of that and adjust them on holes of stand.