Source photo used for the fancy head dress on the frog
step 3 of 13
Base is chopped, then cut in half, right half is erased, left half is duplicated then flipped horizontally.
step 4 of 13
Base has been merged together, then background made from glass design. Duplicated into 4 sections, glass design is then merged together. Floor under base for frog is painted with brush tool. Later it will have design added.
step 5 of 13
Circle from hoop image will be used around colorful design from another source image from current contests. Circles are placed over design then trimmed with eraser tool. Burn tool will later darken these to allow head dress to be featured.
step 6 of 13
Craquelure texture is added to designs, then hoops around them are color changed to yellows. Background has had some color change also to yellow.
step 7 of 13
Liquify warp tool and smudge tools start changing the frog to more height.
step 8 of 13
Frog's belly has been fattened up here by cloning textures from the rest of his body, and then shaping more with dodge and burn tools.
step 9 of 13
Now frogs mouth is widened with liquify warp, smudge tool, and then brush tools to complete the mouth and eyes.
step 10 of 13
Headdress has been chopped and added to the frog, then frog is inserted over background on the base. Some color change using brightness/contrast brings the yellow of background more into golds.
step 11 of 13
Gold pattern as in background are added under the base and frog, then jewels are made from light bulb source (one of current contests). Bulb is chopped, then reduced and distorted to shape jewels. Hue/sat tool changes color, and each jewel is rotated to fit into the gold designs in background.
step 12 of 13
Tiny frogs (duplicates of our larger frog) are placed around the circle surrounding the smaller circles. Large circle, by the way, was formed using the polar coordinate tool.
step 13 of 13
Finally, the frog is enlarged with scale tools, and, and the front of foreground step is given the same design as background, then will be darkened some with burn tool to keep the focus away from the bottom of image. Filters in gold and rust will be added at 40%