This was the main turret, I modelled a cube for the main bit, tubes for the barrels and a cylinder for the base using tools such as extrude, bevel and brush.
step 2 of 9
I then created the base of the ship, this was done with a series of splines and then the tool loft nurbs, I dont have the splines I used cause I had already made the loftnurbs editable.
step 3 of 9
This stage was just a case of duplicating the main turret and placing them by eye where they would fit onto the ship.
step 4 of 9
I created the headquarters for the ship now, these were all just basic polygons arranged to the desired shape. Cylinders, a few manipulated cubes and some platonics.
step 5 of 9
In this stage I drew a spline around the border of the ships base and then created a rectangle and used sweep nurbs to create the fencing, then used "uniform" points on the spline to make even size polys on the fence and each of these was extruded inner and then pulled back.
step 6 of 9
This was a bunch of little mini turrets. Each was a simple cylinder and then some spheres and a tube.
step 7 of 9
This was the water for the scene, I had a plain floor before and it didnt look as good I I used a large plane and then added a formula effector to it to create the waves.
step 8 of 9
This was for the shot being fired, I used a emitter and pyrocluster to create the flame.
step 9 of 9
The final stage was lighting and for this I used a sky light quite close to nightime and then the onboard lights were a series of 20 individual visible lights around the main building on the deck of the ship.