put the image in place using skew, distort and resize
step 4 of 8
get the background of the source image
step 5 of 8
separate the image from its background
step 6 of 8
for the light, I make 2 new layers and fill with black and white radial gradient and set the blending mode to screen and overlay... the layer in step four's blending mode is overlay thats why I got the texture
step 7 of 8
make this lightning effect by making a new blank file.. draw rectangles using the rectangular marquee tool, fill with black color, applied gaussian blur, polar coordinates, difference clouds, selected inverse and adjust the levels...
step 8 of 8
place the lightning effect on top and set it's blending to screen, colorize it by adjusting hue and saturation, and set it to position. apply motion blur on the background image, use the burn tool to darken the sides...