This guide was made for entry: Spear In Contest: ermerging
step 1 of 6
For the wooden shaft I used a simple cylinder with a basic wooden material and then used boolean to cut out a notch at the top to the spear head.
step 2 of 6
The head of the spear started as a pyramid basic and then I used some poly modelling to move in certain parts, push/pull/scale etc until I got to the final shape you see here
step 3 of 6
this is just another angle on the head of the spear, closer to the final render
step 4 of 6
Put the tip into a hyper nurbs object to smooth some of the edges.
step 5 of 6
draw a spline around the shaft and tip and then used a sweep nurb with a small rectangle and used one of the basic leather materials for it.
step 6 of 6
The the final stage and most important, I did the lighting.
I had 3 lights, a spot light focused on the front that has visible light with noise applied to create the "smoke" and this has a blue tinge.
Then I used 2 omni lights which were best for showing up the tip of the spear, these had a red and a green tinge on them.