I rotated the source image to a perspective that I liked.
step 2 of 12
I brought in the SXC image source.
step 3 of 12
Cut out and resized as needed.
step 4 of 12
Here I cut out and rotated the right leg with the Transform tool.
step 5 of 12
Moved the left leg over a bit.
step 6 of 12
I copied and pasted the left leg to a different layer and in the Transform tool rotated vertical and positioned under the aforementioned leg.
step 7 of 12
Reduced the opacity of leg reflection layer as so.
step 8 of 12
Selected just the legs without the shoes with the pen tool and made it a selection. CTL+J to put on a new layer. Added Guassian blur.
step 9 of 12
This is a picture of Paducah, Texas I took when I went to visit my parents last Spring. The weather was nice and the air smelled like maneur but I digress.....
step 10 of 12
I begin erasing the previous image to ease the clouds into the the background.
step 11 of 12
Erased the rest of the background to my liking and fixed the background clouds for the proper reflection in the building by copying and pasting, rotate, erase, etc.