Turned from a box to a sphere with a stage four conversion and refreshed, polyes are then selected
step 3 of 18
Selected ploys are extended and rotated.
step 4 of 18
The same process is used here as step 3
step 5 of 18
Again the same process is used to extend just the end of the polys.
step 6 of 18
Edges are selected
step 7 of 18
Then they are all removed.
step 8 of 18
Again here the process is repeated on the sphere edges selected and removed.
step 9 of 18
This where the fun starts. All the floating segments now have to be joined together in the correct order.
step 10 of 18
Segments are selected are bridged across
step 11 of 18
The process is repeated many many time to achieve the end result.
step 12 of 18
End result. I have been using this app for about 3 years now when required, but I believe there was a tutorial for this back in 2007/2008 that maybe still floating around cyberspace. If I find it I will past it in to the S.B.S. if anyone is interested that is…..
step 13 of 18
The final mesh is then exported from the application by O.B.J. in to the primary app.
step 14 of 18
Radial array is use for the placement of the geometric spheres.
step 15 of 18
Standard sphere rotated on its side then bevelled, loop slices and edge weights added
good work
(5 years and 3262 days ago)