This guide was made for entry: I Do In Contest: ostrich
Original image
step 1 of 10
Bride doll source for veil
step 2 of 10
Hat source
step 3 of 10
Feathers source
step 4 of 10
Cathedral source
step 5 of 10
Bouquet source
step 6 of 10
Cathedral is moved in for background. This will be slightly blurred with gaussian blur near end to keep focus on the bridal couple.
step 7 of 10
Hat and veil are added to be chopped. First the veil is done, removing with the erase tool the hair and arm, then airbrushing net where these were removed . Noise filter will be added to veil.
step 8 of 10
The hat is chopped now and reshaped using the liquify warp tool. Brush tool is used to remove ribbons. Clone tool finished off band around hat.
step 9 of 10
Feathers are chopped next, zooming in to do chopping. After chopping, they are duplicated. This duplication is flipped horizontally, then desatured before adding some blue to match veil. The blue feathers are brought to front layer, the black and green ones are sent backwards and placed behind the black hat. I have decided to add flower for the bride, so have flipped the 'bridal couple' horizontally and also made the canvas just a llittle wider to allow room for the flowers without them covering the alter completely.
step 10 of 10
Flower bouquet is chopped and placed near bottom of image, some shadows being added with burn tool.