Started from a sphere with 7 spans, then i cut it in half
step 2 of 13
separated the 2 parts to get more definition and to be easier later for UV Mapping
step 3 of 13
Used a cilinder then moved some points to make the beer
step 4 of 13
here it's start's to get togheter
step 5 of 13
aded the wires. At first i made the wires from poligons and extruded. but since my poly count was getting preety hi i remade them from curves, a circle and extrude
step 6 of 13
step 7 of 13
i used corel draw X3 to make the vector outline for the hand. I like the pen tool in corel or ilustrator more then the CV or EP curve tool in maya
step 8 of 13
here's the final scene, with lighting. the chairs where done from cubes and extruded.
step 9 of 13
i want to show some tips and tricks in my SBS. So.. for today, here's how i made the lens blur.
Exported a depth map from Maya
step 10 of 13
here's how u compose it in photoshop
step 11 of 13
used PS to make the lens blur using Depth Map Channel
step 12 of 13
step 13 of 13
made some correction with my tablet on the final render in PS