I put some engraving on the side and end by first drawing a rough idea of the design and then using the pen tool to make it. The larger design was made by copying and flipping the original design. I used distort to fit it on the toaster.
step 3 of 5
Painted the wing, then drew and smudged the details, then dodge and burn. I discovered that the wing without the details made a perfectly serviceable top of the wing. I also cut away part of the slider, lowered it and added a black line
step 4 of 5
I distorted the wing to lower it. Then I made a copy, flipped it, lowered opacity and brightened it for the reflection. I painted the toast, then used dodge and burn with a natural brush to give it texture.
step 5 of 5
The wing without the details, but with the dodge and burn. I made the handle of the knife first, then added the details. The blade was next, then merged the works. The fire is paint and smudge.