1. Create a Gradient Fill Layer, go to Layer > New Fill Layer > Gradient and set the following values to the gradient colors: 371504, 1e0f02, 0a0300.
step 2 of 7
2. Use the Type Tool (T) to type the title of the recipe in all caps and in white, I used Century Gothic set on bold. The select one letter to stand out, I used the N, and change to a color that will stand apart for all the other letters.
step 3 of 7
3. To create a reflection effect to the text, duplicate the text layer, start off by rasterizing the text, then go to Edit > Transform > Flip Vertical. Place the copy just below the text. Add a Layer Mask > Hide all to the copy and fill it with the Gradient Tool (Black to White). As a extra touch, I create a new Layer above the text layer and used a stars brush to paint some white stars on.
step 4 of 7
4. For the word in the lower right corner of the word. For this word you can use any script typeface. Now add a Gradient Overlay Layer Style using the same color you chose as for your stand out letter to white.
step 5 of 7
5. Open coffee cup image (see resources for image location) and remove background. Drag and drop the coffee cup from its original document to working document. Once placed on the design, rasterize the layer if you want. To create a reflection effect to the text, duplicate the text layer, start off by rasterizing the text, then go to Edit > Transform > Flip Vertical. Add a Layer Mask > Hide all to the copy and fill it with the Gradient Tool (Black to White).
6. To add some steam to the coffee cup, open a steam image (see resources for image location) and double-click on the "Background" Layer to make it editable. Hit Command + I to invert the colors of the image. To extract the smoke from its background, open the Channels Panel (Window > Channels) duplicate the Red channel, hit Command + A and Command + C to save the copy to the clipboard, then delete the duplicated channel, click on the RGB channel again to leave the image with its default colors. In the Layers Panel select the steam layer and go to Layer > Layer Mask > Hide All, on the Layer Mask miniature, always on Layers Panel, Alt-click on the mask to show it, then Paste the clipboard on the visible Layer Mask. Then add a gradient overlay, I used the Orange, Yellow, Orange.
8. Create a new layer. Using the Rectangle Marquee tool (M) out a selection of the bar size that you desire. Fill in the selection using the Paint Bucket tool (G) with white (#FFFFFF) and deselect the current selection (Cmd (Ctrl) + D). Set Fill Opacity to 20%. Add whatever text you want within the bar. Drop the opacity down to 40% on the text, and change the blending mode to Overlay.