simple create a chamfer box and use the 2x2 modifier and push in the bottom
step 2 of 11
shrink the chamfer box and bring it inside the other one. then make the straw with the cylinder and add a bend modifier note drag the gizmo to the top if your pivot point is at the bottom
step 3 of 11
create a chamfer cylinder and extrude the bottom. make a cone and boolean it out to make the spray part, and another cylinder for the bottom connecting part then put it togeather
step 4 of 11
make a chamfer box and make sure the edges are smooth then add a photometric light and the ground
step 5 of 11
create a front plain in front of both objects and add a push modifier with 00.04 this is for our opacity map
step 6 of 11
this is my diffuse map i made in photo-shop and i used my wacom tablet to put my real signature at the bottom i had to practice it a few times
step 7 of 11
this is the inverted opasity map
step 8 of 11
at first i did have a different name but i changed it to something with more elegance
step 9 of 11
and for the textures i used the default glass and chrome texture and used the same for the liquid but changed the IRO (index of refraction) and color and now to get the money shot
step 10 of 11
if you look at the bottom you can see how long it took it at 20 hours. and im on a 6 core machine with 12 gigs of ram
step 11 of 11
just getting a feel for the lighting . i took about 30 test renders over night altogether . but i really like this competition.