I created my own original textures for the pool balls using a few pictures I have to get the colours, numbers and proportions correct.
step 2 of 15
These are all the textures that I used in the piece, except for those shown in the previous step they all came from the content browser.
I did change some minor settings just from experience, ie change the reflectivity a bit, increase certain levels.
step 3 of 15
Okay, so now I started on the modeling, primarily I just used memory of what pool tables look like and what the proportions would be good. I just used basic tools along the way to build up each stage, adding more and more detail as I went.
step 4 of 15
In this stage I have added a surround and base under the top piece. I used 6 cylinders in an array as Boole objects on each of my 3 separate base parts to make the pockets, I dud lots of poly modelling, ie inner extrude a little, extrude a little. Add a bevel to the edges.
step 5 of 15
To get a pot surrounds I took the base rim and then used the knife tool to cut out a bunch of segments, then individually increased the size of the parts to make them slightly larger than the surround and added a little bevel.
step 6 of 15
The legs are each made up of 2 parts, the top is simply a cube, the main leg is a spline with loft nurbs applied to get a nice carved looking leg.
step 7 of 15
For the balls I used spheres (obviously) which had render perfect turned on, then I placed my materials onto them and randomly rotated each one for more realistic look
step 8 of 15
Okay so this was about what I considered the base, so I started adding lots more detail. The diamonds around all the edges, the cushions, a chrome edge. used splines and extrudes, or sweeps to make these.
step 9 of 15
triangle, used a 3 sides n-side spline, then drew the shape I wanted, used a sweep nurb.
step 10 of 15
chalk, basic box, smaller box inside, placed high count sphere slightly into the "chalk" and boole it out.
step 11 of 15
pool cues, a number of basic cylinders, main one tapered to one end, selective polys for parts of the texture. Plastic cap and top of a sphere for the end bit.
step 12 of 15
This is just how it looked at this stage I think.
step 13 of 15
So I added a room, custom basic dirtyish texture on the walls, made a wooden bit as a surround also and used tiles for the floor.
step 14 of 15
Added the lighting, its a bunch of luminance materials for the planes all around for the reflections. I did 3 as would be realistic from about the table directly in casings, and then did a bunch around the side of the room.
step 15 of 15
Oh and the last step also showed the ambient light setup I used. In this stage, the final one, I show the 3 camera sets I used for the final renders, the long table show, the close up of the balls and the scene camera. I did these as protected camera set up so that I could easily switch between them.
Dude, great job. Did you worry about details that often go unnoticed. The yield was realistic because of the textures and lighting used.
(5 years and 3223 days ago)