A Work in Progress: Gentlemen Club

This guide was made for entry:
Gentlemen Club
In Contest:
pool table

step 1 of 18

Created the Leg in Hexagon by Extruding a Cube for the center part and two cylinder for the top and bottom part of the leg.

Creation of Gentlemen Club: Step 1

step 2 of 18

I created the Pool table in hexagon by extruding a cube then I chamfer the four corner. After that I tweaked the corner to what i wanted.

Creation of Gentlemen Club: Step 2

step 3 of 18

now I produced the rail by making a profile and sweeping it .

Creation of Gentlemen Club: Step 3

step 4 of 18

Here you see I have Rounded the corners of the rail with chamfer tools and I got Cylinder Ready to punch holes in the Rail and the Cube that will end up being the Pool table slate top

Creation of Gentlemen Club: Step 4

step 5 of 18

Here you see I have split out the rail , side pocket and corner pocket sections and UV mapped it. I then scale up the corners and side pocket area slightly and chamfer the edge

Creation of Gentlemen Club: Step 5

step 6 of 18

I modeled the cue stick in Hexagon by lofting a cylinder and spiting it into about 10 domain and uv mapped it.

Creation of Gentlemen Club: Step 6

step 7 of 18

I make some pool ball in hex. Yes I know I could have just used a simple sphere and used planer projection to achieve the same result. or do a spherical map.. which is kinda hard to edit with tool i got.

Creation of Gentlemen Club: Step 7

step 8 of 18

Ok pool table and just ball on a flat wood plane.. with some walls .. ARG.. it look booring.. so I Let there be Light Fixtures.
OK Now I create the Light fixture by extruding a few Cylinders for the Shafts and Fixture. and Sweep the support structure

Creation of Gentlemen Club: Step 8

step 9 of 18

Ok .. but the wall still look plain.. It need fixture too..

Again I extrude every thing from cylinders.. No sweep this time just extrude and UV map

Creation of Gentlemen Club: Step 9

step 10 of 18

OK, the scene still look very plain .. a few picture on the wall like the local pub..

So I made a picture frame. I extrude this from a box. notice i use Extrude / Chamfer / Sweep mainly....

Creation of Gentlemen Club: Step 10

step 11 of 18

At this point I went to the bar with friend and see a bar with pool table .. so It look like i need furnishing.. starting with a cue rack. I made this by extruding from box.

Creation of Gentlemen Club: Step 11

step 12 of 18

I notice that the Photos and painting at the bar had a light fixture to cast light down on it in the dim bar environment.

So I make another light fixture.

Creation of Gentlemen Club: Step 12

step 13 of 18

I noticed that the bar also had Cabinets against the walls and build in Benches near the pool table area.. so here Cabinet and bench. The Cabinet and bench wax box extruded with a bit of chamfer rounding on the bench cushion

Creation of Gentlemen Club: Step 13

step 14 of 18

and the Bar is not a bar with out a Tall drink table

Again box extruded..

Creation of Gentlemen Club: Step 14

step 15 of 18

ok now I assemble and set the material in Carrara.. Test render each part.. Like the Lights

Creation of Gentlemen Club: Step 15

step 16 of 18

The finally assemble everything together and Take a picture in Carrara 6.0. I googled a few public domain photograph for the frame. I also used my 1920 phone model that I made for Pxleyes 3D contest as a fixture. The flowers are standard object that come packaged with Carrara. Actually this is the first time i ever used the flower...

Googled public domain photo 1920

Googled public domain old west

Creation of Gentlemen Club: Step 16
sources used for this step:

step 17 of 18

Added an ashtray and a Cigar to the image.

Creation of Gentlemen Club: Step 17

step 18 of 18

Arranged the cigar on the ashtray and added a plane for the cigar smoke. Smoke can be found by Google "creative common smoke image" take your pick..

Creation of Gentlemen Club: Step 18

Final result

Creation of Gentlemen Club: Final Result

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r1k3r says:

Great SBS

(5 years and 3206 days ago)