followed the tutorial listed under the description to make a yellow planet. Wanting to make it more like a sun i used color select on the yellow made a new layer copy from the selection and made it red in the color select. Duplicated that a few times and rotated to fill areas and used smudge for flames coming off.
step 2 of 7
for the earth i followed the tutorial again making two planets one blue and one white for the polar caps blending the top blue layer to fit on top
step 3 of 7
step 4 of 7
Took the big elephant out of original image with polygonal tool. Selected the head(new layer) rotated it, selected part of trunk(new layer) rotated it, took end of trunk and rotated it (new layer) blending all of these together
step 5 of 7
Took the baby ele from original photo and placed him under big ele getting rid of the ball. I took the bottom layer ground and placed a blending layer on it. Used the radial gradient took on it to make it a circle.
step 6 of 7
i took the missing elephant that had the blue ball and placed him in the sky at around 10 percent opacity.I created stars around him by a brushes with white paint changing opacity and brush after making about 10 stars so it would make the sky seem varied
step 7 of 7
Added more stars to make the constellation more noticeable. Gave the baby ele a trunk and added shadowing to show that it was below the large elephant. Shadowing doesn't look great though :/ and thats how i did it.