created a fractal image for the storm in Apophysis 2.07 [fractal generator program]
step 2 of 7
step 3 of 7
imported fractal into cup of tea file, changed hue to a pinkish tone and then did a custom warp to match the cup form AND give the layer a luminosity blend.
step 4 of 7
duplicated previous layer and gave a custom warp for the bottom part of the storm
step 5 of 7
created a custom shape to match the cup area and gave it a gradient and then changed the layer blend to HUE
step 6 of 7
duplicated storm layers and gradient layer and then merged them, and flipped it so it matches the shadow that is casted, changing the layer blend to HUE
step 7 of 7
finally, duplicated the gradient layer, performed a cloud render in an orange-yellow tone, gave the layer a 50% opacity and changed the blending mode to COLOR BURN, so that the tea in the cup is brought on top of the storm layers