The diamond here was created from modelling a 8 sided cylinder, tutorials for diamonds can be found all over google.
step 2 of 7
Use a cube to model a hook and then an array to place it around the diamond, as with real rings this is to keep the diamond in place. I also tided it up a bit with a supporting torus and a cylinder base.
step 3 of 7
The ring itself is a simple torus with a smoothed edge.
step 4 of 7
created the text, bent it and used a boole to remove it from the torus ring to create the engraving.
step 5 of 7
Put a reflective floor in and an array of lighting for a smooth constant light.
step 6 of 7
Bulked up the ring a bit with some gold supports made from cubes to support the diamond and add some detail.
step 7 of 7
Added the camera and two huge luminance planes which throw some nice while reflections onto the gold and diamond. Thats all folks.