Dodge dark lines and shadows. Burn light areas and highlights.
step 3 of 9
Adjust color balance to create a sepia tone
step 4 of 9
Create a dark adjustment layer. Darkness created by manipulating Brightness/Contrast sliders
step 5 of 9
Create a light adjustment layer. Lightness created by manipulating Brightness/Contrast sliders
step 6 of 9
After painting light and dark areas, created one more adjustment layer for dark background
step 7 of 9
Added some noise on a separate layer. Blurred the layer, toned down opacity.
step 8 of 9
Erased eyes and lips from blurred noise layer to keep those features sharper
step 9 of 9
Selected irises, changed color slightly with Hue/Saturation adjustment layer. Burned original highlights in the eyes to emphasize. Brightened whites of the eyes.