Set to multiply instead of overlay, as most tutorials recommend.
step 4 of 14
Duplicate layer, desaturate.
step 5 of 14
Invert desaturated layer and added Gaussian blur
step 6 of 14
Overlay, turn down opacity, merge layers.
step 7 of 14
Choose "more yellow" and "darker" variations
step 8 of 14
Tone down the saturation
step 9 of 14
Burn the irises to pop the lights
step 10 of 14
Adjust color balance again
step 11 of 14
Create a mask layer filled with black, and paint in more darkness. This is before...
step 12 of 14
This is after (the final).
step 13 of 14
After a comment about the eyes, modified the whites. On new layer, painted dark rose "squiggly lines" for shadows / veins. Applied Gaussian blur to blend
step 14 of 14
Adjusted "highlights" color balance of eye whites to match overall image.