A Work in Progress: Look what Dad made me!

This guide was made for entry:
Look what Dad made me!
In Contest:
get seated

step 1 of 11

I created the wheels using a circle spline and lofting the shape of the tyre and rim. To get the spokes I used the array tool to duplicate the spokes around the hub, which itself was made from oiltank and cylinder primitives.

Creation of Look what Dad made me!: Step 1

step 2 of 11

Here's the pop up for the array tool. it controls how many, and direction of instances copied.

Creation of Look what Dad made me!: Step 2

step 3 of 11

Started adding parts to the cart mainly box and cylinder primitives.

Creation of Look what Dad made me!: Step 3

step 4 of 11

Added the provided chair to the model.

Creation of Look what Dad made me!: Step 4

step 5 of 11

The front axle and front axle board assembly. Again basic primitives, hardly any edges. Made it easier later on when I unwrapped the UV's for texture mapping.

Creation of Look what Dad made me!: Step 5

step 6 of 11

The brake assembly, was kept pretty simple again. mainly boxes and cylinders. I used an extruded Ngon for the nuts holing the brake lever.

Creation of Look what Dad made me!: Step 6

step 7 of 11

The completed model. For the string I added a cloth modifier set to heavy leather and set the cart and floor as collision objects. I let the simulation run until the string had settled then converted to an editable poly.

Creation of Look what Dad made me!: Step 7

step 8 of 11

Okay in Vue I created the texture for the tyres. I added a grainy fractal to distribute the mud over the tyres then addeda simple noise fractal to create the bumps and nobles in the tyres.

Creation of Look what Dad made me!: Step 8

step 9 of 11

The environment was painted onto the scene using the global environment painter. I used long grass, reeds, small field plant and small yellow and orange flowers.

Creation of Look what Dad made me!: Step 9

step 10 of 11

This is the material for the planks under the seat. I added the mapped texture then reduced the bumps.

Creation of Look what Dad made me!: Step 10

step 11 of 11

This is the chrome material for the wheels and spokes. I again used a grainy fractal to spread rust around the chrome.

Creation of Look what Dad made me!: Step 11

Final result

Creation of Look what Dad made me!: Final Result

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avatar adelia
adelia says:

great work

(5 years and 3158 days ago)