firstly check out how to draw teddy.
open new file in Photoshop- size of your choice.
decide on bear colour.
(we will work on blues)
chose mid blue then 2 more shades of blue... 1 lighter 1 darker.... these will be your shades and highlights.
Chose : MID BLUE
create 4 circles -using hard round brushs .
1 large- body
1 mid size- head.
2 small circles for ears
on new layer. paint oval- muzzle
For nose:- new layer - use shade (dark) blue paint circle and erase half
draw arms and legs- shapes will depend on pose. refer to WEB HOW TO DRAW BEAR
using soft edge brushes - shade and highlight colours and eraser on 19% opacity soft edge create shadows and highlights.
BUTTONS: size 19 hard brush - shade blue
paint 1 round spot.
size16 soft brush - highlight blue make another spot directly above shade spot.
size 3 hard brush - shade blue paint 2 small dots for button holes. use mid blue and paint one line for thread on button. . create buttons for EYES, ARM/S /LEGS.
paint body shape.
chose skin colours:
3_ same as for the blues in bear painting.
Use large circle brush and paint head( remember babies had larger heads on smaller bodys compared with painting an adult)
paint 2 circles for ears.
using same method as for bear add shade and highlights to todder.
EYES: paint 2 tear shapes- white
hard brush dark blue - 1 dot for eye colour
soft brush 3 sizes smaller highlight blue
hard brush approx 3 sizes smaller again paint black spot. arrange spots in direction you wish tot to be looking.
finish off with a tiny soft brush - white spot - soften with eraser slightly
firstly check out how to draw teddy.
open new file in Photoshop- size of your choice.
decide on bear colour.
(we will work on blues)
chose mid blue then 2 more shades of blue... 1 lighter 1 darker.... these will be your shades and highlights.
Chose : MID BLUE
create 4 circles -using hard round brushs .
1 large- body
1 mid size- head.
2 small circles for ears
on new layer. paint oval- muzzle
For nose:- new layer - use shade (dark) blue paint circle and erase half
draw arms and legs- shapes will depend on pose. refer to WEB HOW TO DRAW BEAR
using soft edge brushes - shade and highlight colours and eraser on 19% opacity soft edge create shadows and highlights.
BUTTONS: size 19 hard brush - shade blue
paint 1 round spot.
size16 soft brush - highlight blue make another spot directly above shade spot.
size 3 hard brush - shade blue paint 2 small dots for button holes. use mid blue and paint one line for thread on button. . create buttons for EYES, ARM/S /LEGS.
paint body shape.
chose skin colours:
3_ same as for the blues in bear painting.
Use large circle brush and paint head( remember babies had larger heads on smaller bodys compared with painting an adult)
paint 2 circles for ears.
using same method as for bear add shade and highlights to todder.
EYES: paint 2 tear shapes- white
hard brush dark blue - 1 dot for eye colour
soft brush 3 sizes smaller highlight blue
hard brush approx 3 sizes smaller again paint black spot. arrange spots in direction you wish tot to be looking.
finish off with a tiny soft brush - white spot - soften with eraser slightly