A Work in Progress: Falcon Academy

This guide was made for entry:
Falcon Academy
In Contest:
animal logos

step 1 of 13

This is a scan from one of my High En-Route Aeronautical Navigation charts.

Creation of Falcon Academy: Step 1

step 2 of 13

New document dimensions width =2083, height = 1264. Fill layer with color 00bed.

Creation of Falcon Academy: Step 2

step 3 of 13

2. To this layer apply bevel emboss FX with these settings:
• Style = Emboss
• Technique = Chisel Hard
• Depth = 766%
• Direction = Up
• Size = 18px
• Soften = 0px
• Angle = -90
• Global light OFF
• Altitude = 90
• Highlight Mode Screen at 94% opacity (color ffffff )
• Shadow Mode Multiply at 100% opacity (color 09044f)

Creation of Falcon Academy: Step 3

step 4 of 13

Make a new layer. Using the elliptical marquee tool (hold shift key to create a circle) fill the circle with color 0012f3.

Creation of Falcon Academy: Step 4

step 5 of 13

4. Select the circle you just created (CTRL button while clicking on the layer icon.) Choose Select from the menu bar choose Modify> Feather (SHIFT+F6) and set amount to 12 pixels.

Creation of Falcon Academy: Step 5

step 6 of 13

5. To the circle add the Bevel and Emboss FX with the same settings as in step 2.

Creation of Falcon Academy: Step 6

step 7 of 13

6. Make another new layer with the Chart on it. Set the Blend mode to Difference, Opacity at 41% and Fill at 62%. To this layer Link a Hue/Saturation Adjustment layer to it. (While holding the ALT key and placing the mouse between your adjustment layer and the layer to be affected you will notice the little arrow icon.) Make Hue/Sat parameters as you wish I chose these settings: Hue -2, Sat +50, Lightness +4. Use a layer mask (soft round brush) to mask over the Dark Blue circle.

Creation of Falcon Academy: Step 7

step 8 of 13

7. On new layer insert the Falcon. Mask the bird.

Creation of Falcon Academy: Step 8
sources used for this step:

step 9 of 13

8. To your bird apply Filter>Artistic>Poster Edges. Edge Thickness: 0, Edge Intensity: 1, Posterization: 0.

Creation of Falcon Academy: Step 9

step 10 of 13

9. Apply Bevel Emboss with contour and pattern fill checked. You can play with theses settings to get the effect you like. See example.

Creation of Falcon Academy: Step 10

step 11 of 13

10. Link a Curves Adjustment layer to the bird layer. Once again set the curves as you like.

Creation of Falcon Academy: Step 11

step 12 of 13

11. With the text tool make your Text. I used “Gunship Italic” from DaFont.com. Two text layers were made for purposes of scale and alignment. To these apply FX adjustments. Use the same for both of your text layers except for the smaller text un-check gradient overlay.
(While holding the ALT key and dragging the FX adjustment layer from one, you can make a direct copy to another layer)

Creation of Falcon Academy: Step 12
sources used for this step:

step 13 of 13

12. Position the text layers beneath the Bird layer.

Creation of Falcon Academy: Step 13

Final result

Creation of Falcon Academy: Final Result

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avatar pearlie
pearlie says:


(5 years and 3206 days ago)