Showing which parts were used for the floor and base boards.
step 6 of 9
Cut into 3 parts, making sure that the outside pieces are the same size, and put in separate layers. Skew the bottom inner corners of the side pieces up the same amount, then push up the bottom of center piece to even with the inner corners of the outer pieces. Merge together. Shade and highlight to enhance the 3D effect.
step 7 of 9
Take the piece of floor and rotate until it's horizontal then size it to fit. Shade and highlight to enhance 3D effect.
step 8 of 9
Add in rug and adjust color. Repeat step above for lamp and the now green rug.
step 9 of 9
Add in base board in 3 layers. stretch and skew the separate pieces until the prospective is right. Erase ends the hang over too much and merge the pieces together. Shade and highlight to enhance 3D effect.