Background scene is scaled first to 3000 x 3000 (10 by 10) at 300 res. On a new 10 by 10 canvas, the left side (3") is moved using the rectangular marquee tool, the bottom distorted to achieve perspective.
step 10 of 21
Center section of backgrounnd is now moved in and scaled to that bottom matches with left panel.
step 11 of 21
Right side panel is now moved onto the canvas, distorting bottom to match center panel.
step 12 of 21
To give better dimension to the room, the center is scaled shorter, then side panels distorted to match. New open space at top is then brushed in with dark blue.
step 13 of 21
Grass is added to the floor area.
step 14 of 21
Step area is chopped and blended into background using soft eraser tool, then from section of the furniture photo, a dark strip of wood is chopped and scaled to become the woodwork around the floor.
step 15 of 21
Using section chopped from furniture, a baby bear chair is created to get a sideview chair.
step 16 of 21
Baby chair is put into the scene, and other chairs are chopped out of the source photo. Papa Bear's chair has just the top showing, and arms have been added in the same way as baby chair. Back of chairs are filled in with brush tool, then with brush tool, names are added then shaded with dodge and burn tools. Noise is added for texture.
step 17 of 21
Sitting bear has been chopped and placed on chair after sizing it to fit.
step 18 of 21
Papa Bear is chopped and placed on steps as if coming down to enter the room. He will be color changed just enough to match colors on baby bear.
step 19 of 21
Table is chopped and moved into canvas, then top cloned to wood tone all over.
step 20 of 21
The bowl is added, color changed, duplicated 2 times, then scaled to middle and large sizes for mama and papa bear.
step 21 of 21
Chandelier is chopped and scaled to fit ceiling area, then an omni light (filter/render/omni) is added to the ceiling over the llight. Shadows are burned in under chair and table.
Good job, but you omitted the information about the picture on the far wall.
(5 years and 3146 days ago)