An old image reference thanks to my uncle, he's living in Shanghai. I don't really know where did he get this image, he has quite a big collection of swans portraits.
step 2 of 4
Forgive my forgotten sketch, this is the composition that I took from the photo for the swans & changed the swan babies position by myself.
step 3 of 4
Detailing, color adjusting, blending & smudging using fine art bristle brushes labeled 'Bali Artist' & 'Eterna'.
Colors with Rembrandt & Van Gogh oil colors. A lot playing with Raw Umber, Pthalo Blue, Titanium White, Sap Green, Yellow Ochre, Red Scarlet, & a little bit Flesh Tint.
step 4 of 4
Details of feathers using small tip of Rembrandt fine art brushes at 1 & 2 written size.