the parts I used to make the robot. I used the pen tool, distort, warp and masking.
step 3 of 9
the parts I used to make the wizard's clothes. I was experimenting with the different layer styles when I stumbled across this. To make the clothes appear to sparkle, I used color balance and brightness reduction to change the color. Then I copied the layer, set it to dissovle and reduced the fill. I reduced the opacity of the bottom layer. The "sparkles" will take on the color of the layer under it.
step 4 of 9
I took parts of the source and changed the color for the bottle, hands and head. Masking to shape the parts and then levels adjustment layers (light and dark) for shading. I painted in the beard and hair, then used a strong smudge to wisp it.
step 5 of 9
the wizard parts
step 6 of 9
brightness/contrast adjustment layers for shading
step 7 of 9
more levels adjustment layers for shading the clothing
step 8 of 9
reduced the saturation and used curves to make the background more bland. Low opacity gradient fill on each side. I also blurred the farthest part under the arch.