More pen tool and some gradient overlay in the layer styles.
step 4 of 19
more and more pen tool, I kept turing back on the layer of the original picture to see where different shades would be.
step 5 of 19
more pen...
step 6 of 19
I think you get it, hours and hours of pen tooling went into this entry!
step 7 of 19
step 8 of 19
step 9 of 19
step 10 of 19
step 11 of 19
step 12 of 19
I skipped ahead a bit here, after I had created some nice chunks of hair I copied and flipped and warped clumps and pieces to fill out the rest of the hair.
step 13 of 19
I created the Sunburst effect by first doing a simple black to white gradient. Then using the Wave filter under Distort. If you make the Min and max wavelength the same number, it gives you parallel black and white lines. Be sure you've checked "square" under the type. then after that you use he polar coordinates filter also under distort.
step 14 of 19
This is where the tutorial came into play, I'm gonna explain it because there is already a tutorial that will do it much better than I can :)
I used the same brush created in the tutorial to make these jagged beam of light type things.
step 17 of 19
Painted black in one corner and white in the other with a big soft brush.
step 18 of 19
more detailing, added a rainbow gradient overtop and set it to color in the blending modes, then smudged it around a bit and painted here and there where I wanted different colors to be.
step 19 of 19
Added my other source image with and overlay blending mode and masked away some of it from here face. Also for got to mention the little white glows from a step or two back, they are just a small soft round bright a that I painted in.
The Pen tool work on the face is nothing short of amazing! This came out really well. Good job.
(5 years and 3112 days ago)~M