A Work in Progress: Dacia Duster

This guide was made for entry:
Dacia Duster
In Contest:
vehicle model

step 1 of 9

Creation of Dacia Duster: Step 1

step 2 of 9

Creation of Dacia Duster: Step 2

step 3 of 9

Creation of Dacia Duster: Step 3

step 4 of 9

Creation of Dacia Duster: Step 4

step 5 of 9

i started with a poly plane. Then i extruded the edge along a curve that i drawed to match the fender. After i made the fender curve i extruded the contiguos edges to make the rest of the side fender looing in the same time on the other orthos

Creation of Dacia Duster: Step 5

step 6 of 9

after i modeled a side of the car, i splited it using the extract comand in front fende, front door and so on.
I made my mesh so it would get the curvature of the doors and then i used a double edge to make the creases

Creation of Dacia Duster: Step 6

step 7 of 9

for the tyres i used patches of low poly cubes disposed in a pattern, then i revolved them and constrained to the donut shape i made previously.
For some parts of the car i tryed using a subdivisional modeling approach.. I allways wanted to model like that. Unfortunately i'm preety new with subdivisions and i was left with a very dense mesh in the areas where i used Sub D.
The advantage o this kind of modeling is that you can basicaly draw your creases and hard edges

Creation of Dacia Duster: Step 7

step 8 of 9

The rims where done from a cube.. with an edge left smooth. I duplicated special that cube in a 72 degree Y axis to get the 5 parts of the rim. After that i combined them and used bridge comand. After that i aded a cylinder and used booleans to make the wholes. The nubs where made using a 6 corner predefined geometric shape on top of wich i aded a half sphere.

Creation of Dacia Duster: Step 8

step 9 of 9

Creation of Dacia Duster: Step 9

Final result

Creation of Dacia Duster: Final Result

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Chawala says:


(5 years and 838 days ago)