basic block shapes with dodge and burn to shade. shirt made with vertical lines + bevel effect
step 3 of 7
painted individual lines for clothing. axe handle- brown shape with bevel effect- filter>sponge & smudge
axe head - 2 layers, one light with dark shading the other dark with lighter shading then set top layer to overlay.
step 4 of 7
Table- filled area with brown, then added noise, then added motion blur from left to right.
Then used transform "perspective"
step 5 of 7
step 6 of 7
Severed arm - basic lines of color
step 7 of 7
warped lines and rotated, added ripple filter.
Wrist band vertical lines with bevel and burn. Painted hand & added shadow and highlight to rubber ducky.
nice sbs author
(5 years and 3105 days ago)thanks for sharing
good luck