I isolated the ship from it's background using channels. I then placed the ship into the source image, masking out the portions behind the platform and the information board.
Matched the lighting on the ship to the source image using curves adjustment layers and a hue/saturation adjustment layer.
step 3 of 10
I added motion blur to the ship using a radial blur set to zoom mode. I placed the center of the zoom effect to the far left of the ship, to get the motion blur going in the right direction everywhere. I actually extended the canvas about 30% to the left to be able to place the effect far enough to the left. After I applied the effect, I reduced the canvas to its original size.
step 4 of 10
I removed the original reflections on the platform and added the reflection of the ship. I also did some retouching on the benches and the information boards.
step 5 of 10
I removed the girl on the right, to make the station look abandoned.
step 6 of 10
Painted in three layers of smoke: behind the (bulb of) ship, between the ship and the platform and between the platform and the foreground benches. I used custom brushes to paint the smoke.
step 7 of 10
Using curves adjustment layers I added lighting and shadowing to the smoke.
step 8 of 10
I isolated the sparks from their background using channels and placed them into the main composition. I set the layer blending options to a white color overlay and added an orange outer glow. Then I masked out any unwanted sparks.