Take the original picture and place it into the redfield fractilius program and play with the settings and you can get this effect.
step 3 of 7
With the image duplicated 4 times and each set either:
flipped horiz
flipped verti
flipped horiz and verti
Then put the top 3 levels on screen mode.
step 4 of 7
From the previous image, again make 3 duplicates this time rotate each one 45deg or -45 deg or 90 deg. Again put each layer on screen.
step 5 of 7
Here is a neat little trick I used. You need CS5 tho. Flatten the image, then select the plain background areas, feather a little and then do a content aware fill, dont know if this will always work well.
step 6 of 7
Made 1 more duplicate, rotated 22.5deg and put on screen again. Then repeat the last stage with the fill.
step 7 of 7
This was the image as it left photoshop. I then put it into camera raw and played, I like both versions, both this and the final but obviously the final one a little more.