More dupications, flipped and rotated to fit, and ready to merge into single layer.
step 5 of 12
Images are now all merged into single layer, matching carefully before merge.
step 6 of 12
Darker layer is added to background, and image design is duplicated and then enlarged enough to make a border for main image, then placed on layer behind main image.
step 7 of 12
Dodge and burn tools have been used here to accentuate lines between sections, and to do some highlighting to bring out shape to the design.
step 8 of 12
The glass filter is now used to give the impression of little pieces of glass that you would see inside a kaleidoscope.
step 9 of 12
The main image is scales down to a very small size and added to center of image.
step 10 of 12
Several duplications are now made of main image, scaled larger, added to layers behind main image after rotating each and reducing opacity.
step 11 of 12
Color is changed to pinks and yelows using hue/sat tool.
step 12 of 12
On a new canvas 8 x 30, images are added, changing colors on each image. I would have loved to do an animated visual instead.