I drew a silhouette of a fish, then used the magic wand to copy the shape from the metal texture. I thought it was too flat, so I made scales from that texture and warped them to the shape of the fish. I used a different metal texture for the head parts. I used dodge and burn to add details and then color overlay to make it a gold fish.
step 3 of 6
More dodge and burn with a painted shadow.
step 4 of 6
I moved the fish to the waterline and cut it into two parts. I cloned in the waterline and increased the size of the bottom part slightly. Then I took a part of the water, reduced the opacity and put that over the bottom half of the fish.
step 5 of 6
I tried different backgrounds before deciding to keep the original. I cloned in the top and bottom of it, then added the refraction rainbow and changed the kid's expression using liquify.
step 6 of 6
I cannibalised my mechanical fish to make a cyborg fish.