Extract the pieces. Also extracted the black pen, not shown here.
step 2 of 8
Warp the 'mountain' (finger). Also used dodge and burn on it, and later painted a glow behind.
step 3 of 8
Clouds, difference clouds, neon glow - for background.
step 4 of 8
Artistic, wideblurry filter on bauble - this is the planet base.
step 5 of 8
Match color of mountain and planet. Adjust hue/sat, brightness.
step 6 of 8
Repeat the extracted pen (shown without effect lower left) at varied angles to give impression of a lens (behind the gold orb). Bevel/emboss, gradient, etc.
step 7 of 8
Orb in process with octagon shape added behind, standard shape in ps. Layer effects added after size was adjusted. Pen cylinder shape is used inside perimeter of the orb (curved side toward center), with 'industrial' layer style used, a pattern in my collection.
step 8 of 8
Added a bas relief layer to planet, lowered opacity.
Added several painted layers of 'fog', 'steam' and darkness around and in front of ship. Painted orange glow behind planet and orb.
Lens flare on the orb.