I took copies of Carla's shoulder and warped and liquified them to shape.
step 2 of 5
I used Filter > Render > Clouds to make the material for her dress.
step 3 of 5
A little more work on the skin using the clone tool, smudge and adjustment layers for shadowing and high lights. I painted in the hair, but changed that later.
step 4 of 5
Because I didn't like the painted hair, I used copies of pieces of Carla's own hair and warped, smudged and liquified it to shape. Then I added the flower. I made a copy of the top part of the dress and used layer style dissolve, then lighten the original dress top that was underneath the copy. Using the assorted brush, I added sparkles.
step 5 of 5
I dodged and burned the gloves and made the bracelet the same way I did the top of the dress. I added a drop shadow to the yellow star. I copied Joecacia, nudged it over a bit and darkened it. Using a large soft brush, I painted behind Carla and the text.