Inverted a cube to make a room. Added 3 windows to one wall. Lower left is a window sill, lower right is base trim added for realism.
step 2 of 7
Modeled tub, added water mesh. Lower right is a series of light panels for illumination.
step 3 of 7
I decided to go with one large window rather than 3. This is the casing trim profile which will go on the sides and top of the window.
step 4 of 7
Extended sill.
step 5 of 7
This is a shot looking directly at the window. I modeled a blind, then replicated it to make many blinds. I added 2 strings on each side to simulate real blinds. I did not add the string that raises/lowers the blinds.
step 6 of 7
Playing with the lighting a bit. I ended up modeling a bead of caulk that goes around the entire tub to simulate the real thing. I think it looks good in the final.
step 7 of 7
This is the scene. I changed the wall color to green.