Christmas star on tree. This was cut, pasted, duplicated and resized utilizing it on the top of the xmas tree as well as the stars going down her back.
step 4 of 10
uncut photo of christmas tree. It was cut, pasted and blended into the winter scene using the cloning tool
step 5 of 10
feather Christmas decorations on this tree were cut, pasted, resized and duplicated to create the wings.They were then blended in using the blending tool and the cloning tool
step 6 of 10
Utilizing the existing fabric draping on the source photo I created her outfit. The cloning tool was used for this.
step 7 of 10
Cut Christmas tree
step 8 of 10
Source photo placed into scene
step 9 of 10
Christmas tree placed in scene and blending done
step 10 of 10
Other details placed into scene the the cloning, blending process done...tweaking of the scene to get the final product. All shadowing done utilizing cloning. Small details of illuminated dots near stars and on head strings cloned from lights on the tree.