I opened the source image of Sepia Girl, used the Ruker Tool to straighten the image slightly and Cropped it to the
picture you see here.
I then duplicated the image and started removing some of the blemishes and the hair strands across her face using the
Patch and Spot Healing Brush Tools, then duplicated this layer to be used later.
step 2 of 4
Next I used the Diffuse Glow Filter with the setings Graininess: 0, Glow Amount: 14, Clear Amount: 9 to achive the desired effect.
step 3 of 4
I then drew red lips and put the Opacity to about 48% with a New Layer Adjustment of Hue/Saturation with the
settings: Master: Hue: 0, Saturation: +71, Lightness: +35.
step 4 of 4
With the duplicated layer from previous, I Desaturated the image then added the High Pass Filter with a Radius: 26.1
and set the Opacity to 81%.