Using the pen tool, I chopped the stick's head, rotate it and created the bee body from it.
step 2 of 13
Using the same part as in Step 1, i created the head of the bee using Warp Tool. Then I made the eye using pen tool, then I fil the eye with black, applied a Texture->Stained Glass filter on it and after all of these I made some glow using Brush tool with some 9% opacity and no hardness.
step 3 of 13
I made the wings also using the Warp Tool.
step 4 of 13
I made the feet of the bee chopping them from the wood part of the source image, aplied some Image Adjustments->Brightness/Contrast, and then I bevelled them to look volumetric. The yellow spots on the feet were made from the bee's body using the Stamp Tool.
step 5 of 13
In this final step I made the bee's antennas and sting chopping them also from the wood part of the source image.
step 6 of 13
Using the honey drop chop( aka wing of the bee) I made a flower petal. I changed color using Adjustments-> Color Balance.
step 7 of 13
Using transform I created the entire flower. Then I merged all the petals, I used Distort to make the flower volumetric and then using the Liquify Filter I tweaked the volume of the flower once again.
step 8 of 13
Using the bee body I made the flower's bulb and then changed color using Adjustments->Color balance.
step 9 of 13
I added the stem of the plant using the source image file's wood stick and Color balance.
step 10 of 13
Using radial Gradient, I made the background. Then I rescaled th bee, and voila: the final image file.
step 11 of 13
I added some flowers and I changed the background to something "happier" using the Gradient Tool.
step 12 of 13
Some Gaussian Blur To simulate the DOF effect.
step 13 of 13
The final result after I added some transformed bees in background, and then blurred them also with Gaussian blur.