The original pencil drawing on drawing paper.scanned to computer
step 2 of 18
start the color process
step 3 of 18
step 4 of 18
more color and changes will be coming
step 5 of 18
I do not like the hatchet in his right hand and will probably have to put shoes on him.
step 6 of 18
hang on it's coming, working down.
step 7 of 18
shoes and a spinner
step 8 of 18
keep working down, this is all painted in ps and painter 9
step 9 of 18
step 10 of 18
step 11 of 18
step 12 of 18
took it into painter and smoothed out the background
step 13 of 18
keep background simple and a bit of forground
step 14 of 18
the chain and ring
step 15 of 18
start chain just linking each together
step 16 of 18
work on chain and darken background a bit.
step 17 of 18
getting close to done , made some tweeks to a few parts . such as sharpening and adding a little more high lites
step 18 of 18
went over every inch with a blender brush and slightly sharpend parts, then adjusted contrast to selected areas and darked some areas and lighted others. done.