I cut out the parts of the chair that I wanted to use and resized them.
step 2 of 13
1: With the shapestool I selected the polygonshap and changed number of sides in 5. I draw a pentagram shape with that tool and with the linetool I draw the starsshape, creating my pentagonstar.
2: I duplicated the chair parts that I cut out in step one and placed them in the starshape that I draw.
3: fixed all the corners and points so my starshape was perfect. Then I duplicated the shape and turned it. Used guidelines to make sure it was placed right.
4: keept on duplicating and made the copies smaller and placed them each inside the other.
step 3 of 13
1: dupilicated flipped and copy pasted the part of the source image that I started with to create the base of the middle of the star.
2: Used alienskin filter to create the weave effect.
3: put the star shape on top of weaved layer.
4 cut out the star from the weave layer.
5: and theres the middle part of my star.
step 4 of 13
Heres the star without the dropshadows etc..
step 5 of 13
Star with dropshadows, on black background. I am not sure if this is the actual step because I had to redo the building up of the star cus by accident I had merged some layers and I couldnt add a drop shadow every where I wanted to apply it to, but this is the next step.
step 6 of 13
Here you can see how I build the base for the christmas greeting on the final image.
step 7 of 13
Draw the dove with the pentool
step 8 of 13
I wasnt really happy with the dove so I decided to fix it up.
I used the elliptical marquee selection tool to make the shapes and transformed the selections then filled them with black. I erased the parts I didnt needed. And on some parts I just duplicated a shape and transformed it with warptool. I have just added various steps here to show how its build.
step 9 of 13
The dove in its almost final shape.
step 10 of 13
Here you see I cut the dove out of another build base from the chairpart that I cut out in the very first step. I have duplicated a wing added drop shadow and a stroke to create the second wing.
step 11 of 13
duplicated the birds and started create the top part of the bird hanger.
step 12 of 13
Created the top part of the hanger, and created the thread to hang the birds with also from the chair source.
step 13 of 13
duplicated the text file and used dropshadow on one layer, then i erased some parts to create the 3d effect and finally merged the layers. you can see it real wel in highres but here u can see it on one letter. though i have done this with tt.he whole tex