The room was made up of a cube with deleted edges and then a plane.
step 2 of 6
The disco ball went thru many stages from weird shapes to thousands of mirrors but eventually I stepped back and went with a nice triangular sphere and did an 20% variable extrusion on all planes.
step 3 of 6
The chain was created by first making one loop from a torus and then duplicating this with a mograph cloner object adding on each time on the y axis with a small rotation.
step 4 of 6
The roof mount was made using a rectangle spline with curved edges which was then put into a sweep nurb with a small circle, then I made duplications for the 4 main rims and then duplicated y orientated cylinders along the same spline.
step 5 of 6
The chains were the same as the main chain with a smaller scale and less objects, also above each chain a small cylinder with a slight bevel was added to connect them to the roof.
step 6 of 6
The lights were the most important part of any of these designs and in this case I used a body which is made up of cubes and cylinders with some basic moulding and then a spot light contained within them which had caustics turned on high for the reflections and the accurate lighting and the visibility set to just about reach the disco ball and dust set to 40%.
The final scene was rendered with AO, GI, AAx2 and a sky to provide more ambient lighting.