A Work in Progress: Untamed Bretheren

This guide was made for entry:
Untamed Bretheren
In Contest:
mixed media 14

step 1 of 3

Closed the landing gear doors by using eraser, clone stamp and pen tool. The gear doors were erased. Pen used to draw shape to cover wheels in the bay, then it was filled with color and some dodging done to the new repair. Clone stamp was used to complete the area around the air intake.

Creation of Untamed  Bretheren: Step 1
sources used for this step:

step 2 of 3

The Enzo was masked. Cloned 3 times and motion blur added to each of these new layers. (various strength of blur to each layer) Opacity and masking corrections made to these motion blur layers. The shading done with brush on separate layers.

Creation of Untamed  Bretheren: Step 2

step 3 of 3

The background was duplicated to the new layer I put a radial blur zoom filter at best and a strength of 10. Then the image was saved as 1st incarnation of picture. I opened it again duplicated the layer and put another zoom filter on the copied layer. I used a layer mask to cover the newly blurred areas over the P-51 and the Ferrari. Post adjustments to levels, curves and shadow highlights.

Creation of Untamed  Bretheren: Step 3

Final result

Creation of Untamed  Bretheren: Final Result

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