Liquify warp has been used to shape petals from glove fingers.
step 2 of 10
Petals have been chopped and duplicated .
step 3 of 10
Duplicated petals have been rotated and scaled into a flower shape.
step 4 of 10
A stem has been brushed onto the flower, then duplicates made in several sizes.
step 5 of 10
Original glove source has been liquify warped again and glass ripple filter added.
step 6 of 10
Flowers in various sizes are added over background, and with brush tool the leaf design is added in various shades of blue/greens. A gradient layer is added over background.
step 7 of 10
With eraser and liquify warp tools, the flower is shaped into a bud.
step 8 of 10
Some color changes have been made using color adjust tools, and dodge and burn tools have been used to bring up highlights and shadows areas.
step 9 of 10
Bird is chopped and color changed to slightly blue/green.
step 10 of 10
Circle shapes are added using several shades of blue/greens.