started to make the decorations on the crown. In this case i used a cube and beveled to edges
step 6 of 25
extruded the lateral pieces to get the shape i wanted
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piece done
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duplicated and rotated 90 degrees
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revolved the piece 5 times on 60 degrees
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step 11 of 25
aded spheres the same way ( revolving )
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more decorations
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made a curve and extruded a face along that curve
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step 18 of 25
aded a sphere, cuted in half, converted to cloth, aded gravity and a turbulence field, and established the constraints points along the spikes of the crown and on the bottom. Then simulate
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simulation complete
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sculpted the parts of the cloth that where intersecting the metal
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used a cube to make the diamonds
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used a tourus under the crown and attached hair to it
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from a cube i made a pillow, wich i firs simulated like before with the cloth, and then sculpted in maya
step 25 of 25
for the backdrop i used a cube.. and cuted 3 faces, so i was left with 2 perpendicular planes, after that i beveled and edge to get the round backdrop