First the leafs: Draw a quick free hand spline, close it and make sure the center is at the end of the twig.
step 2 of 5
Add a circle spline and put the leaf into a cloner object. random effector and spline effector will do the trick.
random effector: alter size and rotation
spline effector: assign to circle spline and change end to have a free spot at the back of your crown.
step 3 of 5
Create a cogwheel spline like this and assign it to your circle spline with a sweep-nurbs object. Make sure to have some rotation and the end (here it's about 720°).
step 4 of 5
Double the leafs and change the rotation randomness a little to make the crown fuller.
Now comes the fun part:
Lightning (front, back, side), environment (sky, reflective floor) and the gold texture.
Just mess around with yellow, orange, reflection, specular color and of course a nice noise! (The noise I used is within cinema4D.)
step 5 of 5
Sometimes even the nicest ideas turn out to be boring when you realize them.
In this case, add depth of field and some highlights and publish it anyway, since you had all the fun creating it.
Be proud of everything you do ;-)