Base part, no steps of the making unfortunately because I just did it without thinking and stopping along the way.
step 2 of 10
This is the cockpit area, the windows used a set of inner extrudes and then bevels etc to get a frame for the windows.
step 3 of 10
This is the engine, started with a basic cube, and basically like stage 1 I dont have any intermediate steps. To achieve this tho, it is loops, extrudes, bevels, pulls and pushes etc.
step 4 of 10
Some simple tubes made for some more detail and allowed for the engines to be attached to the ship.
step 5 of 10
Added some detail to the ship. These could be whatever you like but in my imagination I see them as part of the engine workings.
step 6 of 10
This shot shows the camera angle, the effect of the materials on the ship and the 3 lights that were used.
step 7 of 10
The planet here. Made up of 3 spheres and a light. The spheres make up the base of the planet, a cloud layer and an atmosphere layer. Then the light adds to the visual of the atmosphere by allowing it to be more spread and visual.
step 8 of 10
From the final camera view with the planet and the ship I wanted more.
Added a rocky shape to a cloner object and made loads of the astroids.
step 9 of 10
This is the effect when you add a randomiser to the cloner, a very important step to get the nicer looking astroids. The clones were adapted in position, rotation and scale on all axises
step 10 of 10
Added a sky with a material which came with the program and increased the tiles to 10x.
As the final step I should mention that:
All materials were made by me or came from the inbuilt content browser in C4D.
Final render was done on A5 size at 300dpi, AA AO GI.